Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Repurposed Cabinets

So I've shared with you on a few occasions that I like to do a lot of repurposing in my home.  I've been brainstorming for quite some time now about what to do with the cabinets my husband installed in our home office a few years ago.  I've seen so many fabulous office redos in my years of blogging, but when I stumbled upon this one, I was awe struck!  If you follow me on Pinterest, you may have seen my pins on Megan's beautiful space...
I ADORE her office!  When I noticed how similar our spaces appeared, I just knew mine needed a transformation.  My obstacle, however, was the dark and heavy cabinets!  I didn't want to paint them (I have too many things on my "need to paint" list) , so they had to go!
Too much dark wood going on here... ya think?
I started thinking about the unorganized clutter in our MBR closet and knew moving them up there would help to resolve the problem.  Once I measured and learned they would fit, I presented the idea to hubby and he happily approved!  I wish I had a before picture, but as you can see I was quite anxious to get started!  
To avoid space on the ends, we decided to dismantle and rebuild one of the cabinets in the center, leaving us with three instead of the original four.  We're so pleased with the turnout; I'm glad we were able to reuse them.
Here is where they were:
And now in their new home!
As for the door from the fourth cabinet... I managed to snatch it from the pile in the garage and repurpose it too!  I knew exactly what I wanted to do!
Kate at Centsational Girl shows a tutorial on repurposing cabinet doors.  
She turned hers into memo boards for her home office.
And her after:
I plan to use my repurposed door in the closet to hang belts, scarves and hats.  I've already covered it with some pretty damask fabric and I'll be adding hooks to the top and bottom this weekend.
What have you repurposed lately?

I'm linking up to:
Show Us Your House... Closets @ Thrifty Decor Chick


Donna Heber said...


You go girl! What an amazing job you have done with moving those cabinets and creating a wonderful closet in your master bedroom. Can you come over to my house? I will be waiting with a cup of tea :-)

A Vintage Vine said...

Love it....Good thinking!

Jordan McCollum said...

Wow, your closet looks totally custom now. Awesome!

6th Grade said...

brilliant move...esp when i assumed you meant trash when you first said they had to "go"!

well done! i have closet envy!


(thanks for you kind comment and your visit to my blog...following YOU now!)


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